Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Motif of the Week

In honor of the Viking Village this weekend, I have spent the week researching Norse embroidery and clothing styles.  Sadly, a lot of the embroidery is more involved than I would have liked for a motif of the week, but I did find some examples of motifs that slightly resembled Celtic knotwork.  This motif is more Celtic, but should dress up a Norse coif that I am making for this weekend. 

 I am using the bamboo crewel weight thread that I bought from White Wolf anf Pheonix at War Practice.  I really like hot soft the thread is and it seems to take a split stitch well, for being a larger weight thread.

I am hoping to fill in the knots with a light weight wool from Reconstructing History.  I will probably use either a split stitch or a chain stitch with the wool, as it is slightly smaller in gauge than the bamboo.  We shall see as it progresses!

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